Grid Optimization (GO) Competition
Program Description:
ARPA-E’s Grid Optimization (GO) Competition comprises a series of prize challenges to accelerate the development and comprehensive evaluation of new software solutions for tomorrow’s electric grid. Key areas for development include but are not limited to optimal utilization of conventional and emerging technologies, management of dynamic grid operations (including extreme event response and restoration), and management of millions of emerging distributed energy resources (DER).
Challenge 1The first challenge of the GO Competition is an algorithm competition to develop solutions to the electric power sector’s security-constrained optimal power flow (SCOPF) problem. Optimal power flow requires determining generator settings that best enable power to be routed to customers across a complex grid in a reliable and cost-effective manner. Algorithms will be tested on complex, realistic power system models, and participants will be scored on how well their algorithms perform relative to other competitors’. Winning teams will efficiently find a minimum-cost solution to the SCOPF problem.
Additional challenges are planned beginning in 2019 in topics including DERs, intermittent resources, storage, grid resilience, grid restoration, grid dynamics, and cyber threats.