ARPA‐E created a web‐based system, the energy Program Information Center (ePIC), to streamline project reporting and monitoring. ARPA-E will collect and store project information, performer submitted quarterly reports and invoices, and maintain task and milestone tracking within ePIC, so that the performer, ARPA-E Program Director, and ARPA-E support staff may all access and view the same information in a single, secure, and up-to-date web-based application. Using this web tool, performers may log in to monitor pending invoices, compare actual expenses against their negotiated budget, track reported progress on technical milestones, submit quarterly reports, and view other important project information.
ePIC Quarterly Reporting User Guide
Software Reporting
ePIC is the platform you, as an ARPA-E awardee, will use to comply with your award’s software, software data, and software utilization reporting requirements. This guide is designed to be used by anyone reporting on their organization’s award.
For ARPA-E specific questions on ePIC please contact the ARPA-E Team via email at
How to register:
1) Navigate to
2) Click on the “Register” link above the log-in account information.
3) Once you have received a confirmation email after registration, please send an email to containing the award number of the project and the associated username with which you registered.