To secure funding for Phase II and Phase IIS, the Prime Recipient is required to submit a written Continuation Request to the ARPA-E Contracting Officer at least 30 days before the end of the current Phase which is to include the following:
• A one-page report on your progress towards meeting the statement of project objectives and technical milestones and deliverables in Attachment 3, including any significant findings, conclusions, or developments, and an estimate of any unexpended balances remaining at the end of the Phase.
• A SBIR/STTR Funding Agreement Lifecycle Certification, certifying that the Prime Recipient remains in compliance with Small Business Innovation Research or Small Business Technology Transfer program requirements, as described in Clause 27(f).
SBIR/STTR Life Cycle Continuation Form
Reporting SBIR/STTR Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
Learn more about reporting Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) fraud.