Breaking the Board: Bringing 3 Dimensional Packaging and Thermal Management to Power Electronics

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OPEN 2021
Baltimore, Maryland
Project Term:
05/09/2022 - 05/08/2025

Technology Description:

Synteris will use additive manufacturing to print transformative 3D ceramic packaging for power electronic modules. Existing power modules contain flat ceramic substrates that serve as the electrically insulating component and thermal conductor that transfer the large heat outputs of these devices. Synteris will replace the traditional insulating metalized substrate, substrate attach, and baseplate/heat exchanger with a ceramic component that acts an electrical insulator and heat exchanger for a dielectric fluid. This innovation in the design, manufacturability, and function of a power module will enable its better performance, lifetime, and form factor in electric vehicles, aircraft, renewable energy generation, electrical grid regulation, and other applications.

Potential Impact:

Synteris’s technology represents a complete transformation in the design, manufacturability, and function of a power electronic module. This unique manufacturing system will allow for better performance, lifetime, and form factor of power modules in electric vehicles.


Advanced packaging and cooling can enable power electronics to be integrated more closely, which increases the energy, enables more efficient cooling, and increases the module’s lifetime by lowering the stresses from thermal cycling.


The proposed additive manufacturing process can extend more broadly to other power electronic applications and electronic cooling systems prevalent in other critical energy and transportation markets, including rail transportation, photovoltaics, and wind energy.


The development of compact, efficient, and low-cost power modules will improve energy efficiency across all economic sectors.


ARPA-E Program Director:
Dr. Peter de Bock
Project Contact:
Dr. Stephen Farias
Press and General Inquiries Email:
Project Contact Email:


National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Packet Digital, LLC

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