Development, Experimental Validation and Operation of a DIGItal Twin Model for Full-scale FLOATing Wind Turbines (DIGIFLOAT)

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Alemeda, California
Project Term:
07/15/2020 - 11/14/2022

Technology Description:

Principle Power (PPI) plans to lead a consortium of public and private institutions to develop, validate, and operate the world’s first digital twin software tailored to floating offshore wind applications. This digital twin model will be a real-time, high-fidelity numerical representation of the WindFloat Atlantic Project, which is composed of three semi-submersible platforms and the world’s largest FOWTs ever installed in the ocean. A fleet of interconnected ocean buoys that will be deployed at the WFA site will estimate and predict the local wind and wave environmental conditions. Insights from the model will give designers, operators, and other stakeholders greater understanding of the asset’s performance and operation, leading to less downtime, lower operational costs and better predictive capabilities.

Potential Impact:

ATLANTIS projects will aim to develop new and potentially disruptive innovations in FOWT technology to enable a greater market share of offshore wind energy, ultimately strengthening and diversifying the array of domestic energy sources available to Americans.


Diverse, domestic energy resources can boost grid resiliency and reduce infrastructure vulnerabilities.


Increased availability of affordable, reliable wind energy could lessen reliance on fossil fuels, reducing power sector emissions.


Program developments in FOWTs could reduce the cost of wind energy production and provide an entirely new option for the offshore wind industry, as well as access to significant wind resources near major population centers on U.S. coastlines.


ARPA-E Program Director:
Dr. Mario Garcia-Sanz
Project Contact:
Dr. Bruce Martin
Press and General Inquiries Email:
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