High-Power Transistor Fabrication
Technology Description:
MicroLink Devices will engineer affordable, high-performance transistors for power conversion. Currently, high-performance power transistors are prohibitively expensive because they are grown on expensive gallium nitride (GaN) semiconductor wafers. In conventional manufacturing processes, this expensive wafer is permanently attached to the transistor, so the wafer can only be used once. MicroLink Devices will develop an innovative method to remove the transistor structure from the wafer without damaging any components, enabling wafer reuse and significantly reducing costs.
Potential Impact:
If successful, Microlink Devices would facilitate the widespread use of affordable, high-performance transistors for use in power inverters and converters.
Advances in power electronics could facilitate greater adoption of electric vehicles, which in turn could help reduce U.S. oil imports.
More efficient power electronics systems promise reduced electricity consumption, resulting in fewer harmful energy-related emissions.
More efficient power electronics would use less energy, saving American families and business owners money on their power bills.
ARPA-E Program Director:
Dr. Isik Kizilyalli
Project Contact:
Dr. Robert McCarthy
Press and General Inquiries Email:
Project Contact Email:
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
University of Notre Dame
TriQuint Semiconductor
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