Maintenance of Advanced Reactor Sensors and Components (MARS)
Technology Description:
Advanced reactor (AR) power plants can minimize O&M costs by integrating advanced instrumentation and control systems into designs. Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) aims to reduce the O&M cost of the Kairos Power fluoride salt-cooled high temperature reactor by (1) developing advanced distributed sensing and data generation techniques to characterize critical components and systems; (2) increasing sensor diversity and functionality to measure several process variables simultaneously; and (3) automating maintenance tasks through machine learning-enabled fault detection and diagnostics and intelligent sensor placement. Accomplishing these objectives will reduce the number of required AR staff as well as repair and replacement costs. Research facilities will include ANL and University of Wisconsin liquid sodium and molten salt facilities. Proposed methods are expected to achieve $2/MWh O&M cost.
Potential Impact:
The program goal is to reduce fixed O&M costs from ~13 $/MWh in the current fleet to ~2 $/MWh in the advanced fleet. Benefits include: