Multifunctional Cells for Electric Vehicles

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Tempe, Arizona
Project Term:
11/25/2013 - 12/31/2015

Technology Description:

Arizona State University (ASU) is developing an innovative, formable battery that can be incorporated as a structural element in the vehicle. This battery would replace structural elements such as roof and side panels that previously remained passive, and incapable of storing energy. Unlike today’s batteries that require significant packaging and protection, ASU’s non-volatile chemistry could better withstand collision on its own because the battery would be more widely distributed throughout the vehicle so less electricity would be stored in any single area. Furthermore, ASU’s battery would not use any flammable components or high-voltage modules. The chemistry minimizes conventional protection and controls while enabling it to store energy and provide structure, thus making vehicles lighter and safer.

Potential Impact:

If successful, the ASU’s battery would allow for a lighter-weight vehicle that could store more energy, resulting greater driving range and a lower vehicle cost overall.


The mass adoption of EVs would diminish the demand for petroleum, dramatically reducing U.S. dependence on foreign oil.


Greater use of EVs would reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, 28% of which come from the transportation sector.


Technological advancements from the RANGE program could enable EVs to travel significantly further on a single charge at a much lower cost than that of current EVs and conventional vehicles.


ARPA-E Program Director:
Dr. Grigorii Soloveichik
Project Contact:
Dr. Cody Friesen
Press and General Inquiries Email:
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