Multiscale Electricity Modeling for Evaluating Carbon Capture and Sequestration technologies (MEME-CCS)

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Exploratory Topics
Golden, Colorado
Project Term:
07/01/2020 - 12/31/2022

Technology Description:

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) will adapt an existing, rigorous multiscale electricity modeling platform to evaluate carbon capture and sequestration and negative emissions technologies from the ARPA-E FLECCS program. NREL’s platform includes the Regional Energy Deployment System (ReEDS) electric sector capacity expansion model, which projects future electricity generation mixes at sub-state geographic resolution. Using ReEDS projections in the PLEXOS production cost model then allows the team to perform hourly, zonal, or nodal grid operations modeling to understand how CCS-equipped power plants will dispatch in the future. The resulting raw hourly price data from PLEXOS will then be processed by the Cambium tool to develop price trajectories for ARPA-E FLECCS technology developers. The ReEDS-PLEXOS-Cambium modeling suite has already been used to examine electric sector futures with high renewable energy penetrations, energy storage, electrification, and distributed generation, and it will be augmented to include the capability to model CCS-equipped power plants and negative emissions technologies.


ARPA-E Program Director:
Dr. Jack Lewnard
Project Contact:
Stuart Cohen
Press and General Inquiries Email:
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University of Wyoming

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