Next-Generation Ammonia System Integration Utilizing Intermittent Renewable Power
Technology Description:
RTI International and its partners will develop a Technology Integration Platform (TIP) to demonstrate next-generation ammonia production from intermittent renewable energy in a skid-mounted, modular testbed that is responsive to locational marginal pricing of electricity. The project leverages the University of Minnesota West Central Research and Outreach Center’s operational hybrid wind and solar-to-ammonia field site to integrate the most promising breakthrough technologies developed in ARPA-E’s REFUEL program. The TIP aims to demonstrate a disruptive modular, flexible process to produce 1 metric ton of low-carbon ammonia per day. It can accommodate several downstream ammonia utilization technology demonstrations, including ammonia cracking, to produce hydrogen and power generation to further enable the vision and expand the markets for ammonia as an energy carrier.
Potential Impact:
Successful integration of ammonia synthesis technologies will:
Establish a new manufacturing base for energy technology in the U.S.
Reduce the energy intensity and carbon emissions of ammonia synthesis and maximize renewable energy usage by capturing generation fluctuations and matching demand.
Establish a path forward to continued private sector development, scaling, and deployment of these distributed ammonia production technologies, so modular plants can be built closer to end users.
ARPA-E Program Director:
Dr. Gregg Cremer
Project Contact:
Sameer Parvathikar
Press and General Inquiries Email:
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