Novel Phosphate Waste Forms to Enable Efficient Dehalogenation and Immobilization of Salt Waste
Technology Description:
Citrine Informatics will use a combination of state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, physics-based simulations, and experimental results to design novel phosphate waste forms (including glasses, ceramics, and their composites) to enable dehalogenation (removal of halides) and more secure immobilization of salt waste from molten salt reactors (MSRs). Current disposition pathways for salt wastes from MSRs, or used nuclear fuel reprocessing, produce waste forms with relatively low halide loading potential, large volumes, poor thermal stability, and poor mechanical durability. Citrine’s project would culminate in a kilogram-scale proof-of-concept of the designed waste form, demonstrating a >6x increase in waste mass loading and 80% decrease in waste form volume over existing technologies. The proposed technology could result in 60% decreases in the capital and operating expenditures of waste form processing.
Potential Impact:
By identifying and addressing challenges at the back end of the fuel cycle before the deployment of future AR technologies, ONWARDS will: