NOVEL RF PLASMA HEATING FOR LOW-RADIOACTIVITY COMPACT FUSION DEVICES(Informally AKA "Next Generation PFRC"- Princeton Field Reversed Configuration)

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OPEN 2018
Plainsboro, New Jersey
Project Term:
03/25/2019 - 05/31/2022

Technology Description:

Princeton Fusion Systems seeks to develop technologies to enable future commercial fusion power. The team’s PFRC concept is a small, clean, and portable design based on a field-reversed-configuration plasma. The concept uses an innovative method called odd-parity rotating-magnetic-field (RMF) heating to drive electrical current and heat plasma to fusion temperatures. Odd-parity heating holds the potential to heat ions and electrons to fusion-relevant temperatures in a stable, sustained plasma, while maintaining good energy confinement. The team will pursue improved electron and ion temperatures through odd-parity RMF heating, as well as identify the modeling needed to elucidate the key heating and loss mechanisms for their fusion concept. The team’s proposed power plant design seeks a very small footprint for a compact, potentially transportable energy source that is fully deployable and emissions-free. When completed, PFRC-2 will demonstrate the core physics for the PFRC-type commercial reactor that will lead to the rapid development of a proof-of-concept machine.

Potential Impact:

The upgraded PFRC-2 would be a world-class, compact platform for fusion research that could provide the basis for continued development toward a PFRC prototype commercial power generator.


This small and clean power generator would be portable and safe. The design prioritizes low radioactivity, reducing the shielding so that the reactor could potentially fit onto a truck, and people could perform regular work close by.


Fusion offers nearly zero emissions and produces manageable waste products without any long-lived radioactivity.


A 1–10-MW fusion power generator would be commercially relevant for many high-value space and military remote and portable applications, including disaster relief. Multiple such units could be used together for commercial distributed power generation.


ARPA-E Program Director:
Dr. Ahmed Diallo
Project Contact:
Mr. Michael Paluszek
Press and General Inquiries Email:
Project Contact Email:


PPPL: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory

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