Probability-Based Software for Grid Optimization

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Project Term:
04/01/2012 - 01/16/2015

Technology Description:

Sandia National Laboratories is working with several commercial and university partners to develop software for market management systems (MMSs) that enable greater use of renewable energy sources throughout the grid. MMSs are used to securely and optimally determine which energy resources should be used to service energy demand across the country. Contributions of electricity to the grid from renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are intermittent, introducing complications for MMSs, which have trouble accommodating the multiple sources of price and supply uncertainties associated with bringing these new types of energy into the grid. Sandia's software will bring a new, probability-based formulation to account for these uncertainties. By factoring in various probability scenarios for electricity production from renewable energy sources in real time, Sandia's formula can reduce the risk of inefficient electricity transmission, save ratepayers money, conserve power, and support the future use of renewable energy.

Potential Impact:

If successful, Sandia's software would encourage the spread of renewable energy throughout the electric grid by accounting for the uncertainties associated with its pricing and production.


A more efficient, reliable grid would be more resilient to potential disruptions from failure, natural disasters, or attack.


Enabling increased use of wind and solar power would result in a substantial decrease in carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S.—40% of which are produced by electricity generation.


A more efficient and reliable grid would help protect U.S. businesses from costly power outages and brownouts that stop automated equipment, bring down factories, and crash computers.


ARPA-E Program Director:
Dr. Timothy Heidel
Project Contact:
Jean-Paul Watson
Press and General Inquiries Email:
Project Contact Email:


Alstom Grid
Iowa State University
University of California, Davis

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