Structural Battery Power Panels
Technology Description:
Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) is using a new fabrication process to build load-bearing lithium-ion batteries that could be used as structural components of electric vehicles. Conventional batteries remain independent of a vehicle’s structure and require heavy protective components that reduce the energy to weight ratio of a vehicle. PowerPanels combine the structural components with a functional battery for an overall reduction in weight. Penn State’s PowerPanels use a “jelly roll” design that winds battery components together in a configuration that is strong and stiff enough to be used as a structural component. The result of this would be a low-profile battery usable as a panel on the floor of a vehicle.
Potential Impact:
If successful, Penn State’s design would integrate the battery into a vehicle’s structural components such as floor panels, reducing vehicle weight and increasing driving range.
The mass adoption of EVs would diminish the demand for petroleum, dramatically reducing U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
Greater use of EVs would reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, 28% of which come from the transportation sector.
Technological advancements from the RANGE program could enable EVs to travel significantly further on a single charge at a much lower cost than that of current EVs and conventional vehicles.
ARPA-E Program Director:
Dr. Paul Albertus
Project Contact:
Dr. Chris Rahn
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