Switched Source is headquartered in Vestal, New York and designs medium voltage power electronics equipment for distribution utilities. Its devices were designed for utility applications with support from G&W Electric, the US Department of Energy, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), and input from three utilities on the east coast. The intellectual property was invented at Michigan State University, where it was first supported with an ARPA-E grant through the GENI program in 2012. The team at Switched Source was formed in 2016 and includes experts in power electronics design and controls, power systems applications engineering, energy project development, and business development.
Switched Source has participated in several programs to develop relationships with major utilities. This includes:
- Working with Ameren through their accelerator
- Participating in EPRI’s INCUBATENERGY program
- Performing joint research that resulted in a whitepaper with Southern Company
- Working with Duke Energy through their Joules Program
- Engaging utilities in Alaska with the Launch Alaska program, and in Vermont through the DeltaClimeVT program.
If awarded the SCALEUP grant, Switched Source will deploy demonstration projects with a number of these utilities.
Switched Source has developed a new set of power system devices that improve utility operations by continuously optimizing power flow on the grid. These power electronics-based tools route power where it’s needed, from circuit-to-circuit with the Tie Controller, and from phase-to-phase with the Phase EQ. This equipment is categorized as distribution automation, and provides benefits similar to utility scale energy storage, but at approximately 5-15% of the cost and footprint. Applications include dynamic feeder balancing to support non-wires alternatives, distributed solar, and system restoration after a fault; and dynamic phase balancing to enhance power quality, eliminate lateral re-tapping, and increase system efficiency.
Switched Source is pursuing financial partners interested in investing in Series A financing rounds. The total investment round will be sized at $4-5M. Our ideal investor has strong connections to our customer base, and can facilitate introductions to director-level or higher within our customers’ organizations.
Contact Information:
Charles Murray
President and CEO
Switched Source