Slick Sheet: Project
GaNify will develop a unique power switch for gyrotron modulators in nuclear fusion systems that could switch 50-kV/1-A in less than a microsecond without the need to stack multiple switches in series. Their design would significantly reduce the complexity and shorten the modulation voltage rise time, effectively pushing the voltage limit of solid-state power switches toward the high voltage regime.

Slick Sheet: Project
Princeton University will develop a new method for particle beam injection that could boost the energy efficiency of plasma ignition to all-time highs. The proposed technology would avoid the major inefficiencies and operational complications associated with the beam neutralization process and strengthen the domestic energy sector through efficiently delivering plasma heating to fusion reactors.

Slick Sheet: Project
Marathon Fusion will develop a test stand to support the evaluation of metal foil pumps in nuclear fusion systems that could propel the novel technology into pilot plants within a decade. Metal foil pumps tested by the proposed device could drastically reduce tritium inventories and the cost of tritium processing, significantly improving the fuel cycle cost for fusion power.

Slick Sheet: Project
Johns Hopkins University will develop a new class of materials called high-entropy glass-ceramics that could store more nuclear waste by percent weight than industry-standard glasses. The novel materials could significantly lower the infrastructure cost of nuclear waste disposal deep underground by reducing the volume of deep earth that must be excavated for every kilogram of waste.

Press Releases
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced up to $40 million in funding to support a new program dedicated to develop cost-effective, high-speed, and safe undergrounding technologies to strengthen the system reliability for distribution grids by undergrounding electric power lines in urban and suburban areas.

Slick Sheet: Program

Slick Sheet: Project
Cathode structure and surface morphology are thought to be essential for LENR reaction rate. Amphionic proposes to optimize cathode design to form Pd-polymeric composites within which the Pd nanoparticle size and shape are varied, and the interfacial separation and geometry are controlled. Experiments will focus on exploring if LENR are produced in potential wells existing between two nanoscale surfaces by controlling metal nanoparticle (NP) geometry, separation, composition, and deuterium loading.

Slick Sheet: Project
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) proposes a hypothesis-driven experimental campaign to examine prominent claims of low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) with nuclear and material diagnostics, focusing on unambiguous indicators of nuclear reactions such as emitted neutrons and nuclear ash with unnatural isotopic ratios. The team will develop an experimental platform that thoroughly and reproducibly test claims of nuclear anomalies in gas-loaded metal-hydrogen systems.

Slick Sheet: Project
University of Michigan will provide capability to measure hypothetical neutron, gamma, and ion emissions from LENR experiments. Modern instrumentation will be coupled with best practices in data acquisition, analysis, and understanding of backgrounds to interpret collected data and evaluate the proposed signal.

Slick Sheet: Project
NuVision Engineering will design, build, commission, and operate an integrated material accountancy test platform that will predict post-process nuclear material accountancy within 1% uncertainty for an aqueous reprocessing plant. Current U.S. reprocessing plants utilize commercial process equipment for pumping, mixing, and sampling that requires regular maintenance and replacement due to radiolytic degradation of seals and other non-metallic components.