Heather Jackson
Heather Jackson currently serves as a Technology-to-Market Advisor at the Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E). Her focus is on the development and deployment of fusion energy, commercialization of other clean energy technologies including advanced nuclear, and carbon-free fuels.
Prior to ARPA-E, Jackson’s career has included a diverse array of roles in startup leadership and in the electric power industry. Her entrepreneurial work has included projects that span clean energy hard tech, advanced manufacturing, affordable housing, and transformational medical technology. Her utility industry work included decarbonization technology assessment and strategy, innovation, nuclear strategy, business planning, maintenance, health physics, and radiological safety. Her research experience includes radiological dispersion device response, plasma diagnostics, pharmacology, and cancer therapy.
Jackson studied physics, chemistry, and mathematics at Mercer University and Nuclear Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology and earned a senior reactor operator certification from Palo Verde Generating Station and an M.B.A focused on innovation and entrepreneurship from the University of Arizona.