Advanced Dry Power Plant Cooling Workshop

ARPA-E held a workshop on "Advanced Dry Power Plant Cooling Technologies" from Monday, May 12 to Tuesday, May 13 at the Hotel Chicago in Chicago, IL. 

The workshop convened leading experts in thermal transport, advanced manufacturing, air-cooled condenser systems and dry power plant cooling technologies to identify innovative research paths forward for the development of disruptive technologies that can significantly reduce the water consumption needed to cool power plants at low cost. Participants lent their expertise to help set energy efficiency and cost targets that will define a successful research program and explore possibly technology pathways. 

ARPA-E was interested in low-cost cooling technologies that eliminate water consumption for cooling power plants without a loss of power conversion efficiency. Areas of interest and targeted outcomes included: 

  • Identification of innovative low cost air cooling strategies that reduce thermal resistance and pressure;
  • Identification of efficient forced draft technologies;
  • Identification of innovative waste heat capture and absorption cooling technologies;
  • Identification of high performance radiant cooling coatings and associated technologies;
  • Identification of advanced manufacturing technologies to fabricate transformational heat exchanger designs at the MW scale and at low cost; and
  • Identification of other innovative technologies that meet the performance objectives.

Approximately 40-50 experts from academia, national/federal labs, and industry participated. Information gained from the workshop will assist ARPA-E leadership in the development of potential programs and funding opportunities which target key technological roadblocks relevant to the ARPA-E mission.

Agenda: Monday, May 12th – Tuesday, May 13th

Day 1: Afternoon Session

Welcome & Introduction to ARPA-E

Eric Rohlfing, ARPA-E

ARPA-E Interest in Alternative Power Plant Cooling: Motivation & Transformational Objectives

James Klausner, ARPA-E

Techno-Economic Modeling Tool

Daniel Matuszak, Booz Allen Hamilton

Science & Technology  Breakthroughs Being Pursued in NSF/EPRI Power Plant Cooling Research Program

Sumanta Acharya, NSF

Advanced Air Cooling Technologies

Mike Ohadi, University of Maryland

Advanced Absorption Cooling Technologies

Bill Worek, Stonybrook University

Advanced Radiative Cooling Technologies

Aaswath Raman, Stanford University

Day 1: Afternoon Breakout Sessions

Exploration of System Technology & Performance

Breakout Questions:

·         Breakout 1

·         Breakout 2

·         Breakout 3

·         Breakout 4

Day 2: Morning Session

Realization of Novel Heat Exchanger & Condenser Designs Through Advanced Manufacturing

Mark Norfolk, Fabrisonic

Overview of Manufacturing Air-Cooled Systems

Arun Muley, Boeing Company

EPRI’s Atlanta Test Facility Overview

Jessica Shi, EPRI

Day 2: Morning Breakout Sessions

Manufacturing, Scalability & Economics of Conceptual Designs

 Breakout Questions:

·          Breakout 1

·          Breakout 2

·          Breakout 3

·          Breakout 4