Onboard Dynamics has developed a novel natural gas compressor that leverages the tremendous benefits of natural gas or renewable natural gas (RNG) as an energy source while reducing its potential emissions and GHG risks. Our portfolio of products and services is currently being commercially used for fleet CNG refueling and natural gas utility operations. Our team includes several members of the original ARPA-E award, including the Principal Investigator (PI) Ms. Rita Hansen, CEO, and Dr. Jeff Witwer, Chief Product Strategist responsible for the technical tasks and milestones. Rick Kay, Chief Operating Officer is responsible for project execution. We will be supplementing our current resources with outside contracted expertise in market research, chemical engineering, patent work, and supply chain management.
The largest two sources of methane emissions result from oil & gas operations and agriculture, >250 MM tons of CO2e in 2017 in the US alone. We are proposing to add a front end cleaning and conditioning system to our core compressor technology resulting in a complete solution that will capture and transport to market both RNG from dairy/agriculture biogas and natural gas from stranded wells. The proposed four demonstration systems deployed across oil & gas and RNG sites will produce cleaned and compressed fuel-grade methane. These systems will:
- be mobile on a self-contained flatbed trailer
- operate at a scale of ~100-150 MCF/day with CAPEX and OPEX reduced by ~30% compared to existing approaches
- not require electricity or diesel to operate
- not rely on a pipeline connection.
Onboard Dynamics’ ideal Commercial partners would be from the oil & gas or renewable natural gas sectors and bring industry expertise, or potential demonstration sites or economic support. The ideal Financial partner is either 1) a potential strategic investor or 2) interested in participating in the growth of a business that will be working to solve the massive worldwide problem of fugitive methane releases.
Contact Information:
Rita Hansen
Onboard Dynamics