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ARPA-E announced up to $28 million in funding for a new program, ULtrahigh Temperature Impervious Materials Advancing Turbine Efficiency (ULTIMATE), in April 2020. The ULTIMATE program will fund projects to develop and demonstrate materials that can operate in the high temperature and high stress environment of a gas-turbine blade. Innovative technologies launched by the ULTIMATE program will specifically target gas turbine applications in the power generation and aviation industries.

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ARPA-E focuses on next-generation energy innovations that will help create a sustainable energy future. The agency provides R&D funding for technologies that could fundamentally change the way we get, use, and store energy. Since 2009, ARPA-E has provided approximately $2 billion in R&D funding for more than 800 energy technology projects.

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As Dr. Atkinson’s term as an ARPA-E Program Director comes to a close, we sat down with him to reflect on his ARPA-E experience, the NEXTCAR program and the future of powertrain technologies, and what’s next for him.

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Here at ARPA-E, we’re constantly looking for new white space where we can innovate American energy technologies to increase efficiency and decrease emissions. How people get around has always been an area of interest to us. For instance, we’ve launched programs focused on developing transportation technologies that use smart connected vehicles or alternative power sources and storage technologies for electric motors. Now, our Program Directors are looking at developing transportation programs in a different space – one that has required them to look to the sky.

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One of the most popular parts of the yearly Summit is ARPA-E’s Technology Showcase, where current and previous ARPA-E awardees, as well as a select group others, display their projects for attendees to see, interact with, and experience themselves. No visit to the ARPA-E Summit is complete without a walk of the showcase floor, and since we’re less than one month out, we’ve put together a quick “cheat-sheet” on the this year’s Tech Showcase Demonstrations.

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In July, ARPA-E will head west and bring the 10th ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit to Colorado. This annual conference and technology showcase convenes some of America’s best minds in business, academia, and government to focus on new and innovative ways to conquer America’s energy challenges.

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Every year, convention centers around the world fill with eager attendees looking for a chance to experience firsthand the latest and greatest in the world of automobile innovation. Whether you’re a classic gearhead or technology enthusiast, the auto manufacturers’ annual showcase season is truly a sight to behold. To celebrate car show season, here’s a quick look at some of ARPA-E’s transportation portfolio and a few projects that could one day shape how Americans get around. 

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We sat down with ARPA-E Program Director, Dr. Rachel Slaybaugh, as she reflected on her experience attending the very first ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit Student Program back in 2010.

Slick Sheet: Project
Fudong Han currently holds the Priti and Mukesh Chatter ’82 Career Development Chair Assistant Professorship at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Han aims to develop a low-cost solid-state battery that enables cleaner, safer, and more efficient electric aircraft. This project leverages Han’s recent discovery utilizing halide-based solid electrolytes.

Slick Sheet: Project
Andrew Westover is a staff scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory with a focus on solid-state batteries. Westover’s project will develop bulk ionic glasses (BIG) using traditional glass processing that captures the desirable ductility of LiPON glass. The ultimate project goal is demonstrating lithium-metal anode charging/discharging using a BIG electrolyte separator, a traditional cathode, and a Li metal anode.