Technology Enabling Zero-EPZ Micro Modular Reactors
Technology Description:
Stony Brook University will develop advanced technologies for gas-cooled reactors to increase their power density, enabling them to be smaller. The team seeks to develop a high-performance moderator—which slows down neutrons so they can cause fission—to enable a compact reactor with enhanced safety features. Shrinking the reactor size enables greater versatility in deployment and reduced construction times and costs, both of which are especially important for smaller modular reactor systems that may be constructed wherever heat and power are needed.
Potential Impact:
If successful, developments from MEITNER projects will inform the development of lower cost, safe, and secure advanced nuclear power plants.
Nuclear power plants contribute to grid stability by providing reliable baseload power and are among the most secure facilities in the country.
Nuclear power has low life cycle emissions, making it a key source of clean electricity.
Nuclear power provides high-efficiency electrical generation for the U.S. grid. Reducing plant costs reduces exposure to price volatility.
ARPA-E Program Director:
Dr. Jenifer Shafer
Project Contact:
Jason Trelewicz
Press and General Inquiries Email:
Project Contact Email:
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
University of Tennessee
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