A Simulation Resource Team for Innovative Fusion Concepts
Technology Description:
Numerical simulations are critically important for the design and development of fusion concepts. However, establishing an adequate simulation capability for a fusion concept can easily be more expensive and time-consuming than building the first experiment. This Capability Team will provide simulation support for fusion-concept teams and independent analysis of fusion concepts. The FLASH, TriForce, and OSIRIS codes were chosen for this project because they are flexible, high-performance, multi-dimensional codes, all with the potential to be used by concept teams to carry out their own simulations in the future. FLASH is a magnetohydrodynamics code, widely used by the plasma physics and astrophysics communities. TriForce is a particle-based hybrid fluid-kinetic code currently under development. OSIRIS is an electromagnetic particle-in-cell code, with multiple physics packages.
Potential Impact:
As a disruptive technology, fusion energy will likely create new markets, opportunities, and export advantages for the U.S.